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FQXi Workshop: Quantum Incompatibility 2017



Quantum incompatibilities are structural features of quantum theory that give rise to constraints on the possibilities of performing preparation or measurement operations jointly on the same object. Historically, 'incompatibility' was a term associated with the concept of noncommutativity of Hilbert space operators representing quantum observables. In the past few decades, however, the mathematical language of quantum physics has developed to the point of enabling precise operational conceptualizations of the (in)compatibility of observables and measurement operations. This has opened up an emerging research field with a rapidly increasing number of investigations.

The purpose of the workshop is to take stock of recent significant advances and insights into quantum incompatibility, and to enable the participants to jointly explore future directions and forge new collaborations. This will be a timely opportunity to allow participants to:

(a) discuss the connections between quantum incompatibility and foundational features such as quantum contextuality, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering, and the trade-off between information gain and disturbance;

(b) develop further the understanding of the categorization of approximate joint measurability of incompatible sets of observables;

(c) find ways of determining the 'quantum' specifics of incompatibility by casting them in more general probabilistic theories.


  • Monday, 28/08/17 to Friday, 01/09/17
  • Arrival on Monday evening, departure Friday morning



  • The program can be downloaded here.

Invited speakers 

  • Claudio Carmeli (Genova, Italy) [slides]
    Quantum incompatibility in collective measurements
  • Tom Bullock (Turku, Finland) [slides]
    How well can we approximate incompatible qubit observables (for a given measure)?
  • Erkka Haapasalo (Kyoto, Japan) [slides]
    Quantifying quantum incompatibility
  • Jukka Kiukas (Aberystwyth, UK) [slides]
    Incompatibility, steering, and channel-state duality
  • Chau Nguyen (Dresden, Germany) [slides]
    Quantum steering with positive operator valued measures
  • Marco Tulio Quintino (Tokyo, Japan) [slides]
    Genuine n-wise Measurement Incompatibility and Device Independent Certificates of Incompatibility
  • Daniel Reitzner (Bratislava, Slovakia) [slides]
    Incompatibility of unbiased qubit observables and Pauli channels
  • Joseph Renes (Zürich, Switzerland) [slides]
    Operational uncertainty relations and their uses
  • Alessandro Toigo (Milano, Italy) [slides]
    Entropic uncertainty relations - The measurement case
  • Reinhard Werner (Hannover, Germany)
    Why preparation uncertainty is smaller than measurement uncertainty
  • Michael Wolf (München, Germany) [slides]
    Incompatibility - a tale in two parts
  • Sixia Yu (Singapore) [slides]
    Exact Uncertainty Relations
  • Mario Ziman (Bratislava, Slovakia) [slides]
    Incompatibility and nonlocality for quantum process theories


  • Ali Asadian (Siegen) [slides]
    Quasi-probability representation and quantum joint measurements
  • Ana C.S. Costa (Siegen) [slides]
    Steering and Entropic Uncertainty Relations
  • David Gross (Cologne)
  • Tristan Kraft (Glasgow)
  • Antonio di Lorenzo (Uberlandia) [slides]
    Sequential measurements of two variables: quantum state determination, improving measurement precision, and relation to (a form of) Heisenberg uncertainty principle
  • Kimmo Luoma (Dresden)
  • Daniel Miller (Düsseldorf)
  • Martin Plavala (Bratislava) [slides]
    Conditions on the compatibility of channels in General Probabilistic Theory and their connection to steering and Bell nonlocality
  • Oliver Reardon-Smith (York) [slides]
    Qubit triple measurement uncertainty
  • Rene Schwonnek (Hannover) [slides]
    Measurement uncertainty relations for finite observables
  • Timo Simnacher (Siegen)
  • Giuseppe Vitagliano (Vienna) [slides]
    Spin Squeezing and entanglement detection through uncertainty relations
  • Huangjun Zhu (Cologne) [slides]
    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations and Bell correlations in the simplest scenario


  • Paul Busch (York)
  • Otfried Gühne (Siegen)
  • Teiko Heinosaari (Turku)
  • Roope Uola (Siegen) [slides]
    Unified picture for spatial, temporal and channel steering


  • ERC Grant "Temporal Quantum Correlations"
  • Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi)

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