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Winter term 2024/25

(To join any of the lectures, please register at Unisono or reach out to the lecturers)

Introduction to Quantum Theory

Lecturer: Otfried Gühne


Lectures: Tuesdays and Fridays 10-12h room D120.
Exercises: Wednesdays 14-16h room D120

Concepts of Quantum Science

Lecturer: Otfried Gühne


Lectures: Wednesdays 12-14h room D120.
Exercises: Fridays 12-14h room D120

The Quantum Theory of Light

Lecturer: Stefan Nimmrichter


Lectures: Mondays 10-12h room D030.
Exercises: Fridays 14-16h room D120

Quantum Theory

Lectures: Matthias Kleinmann
Exercises: Ismaël Septembre
Physics Tutorial: Sander Stammbach


  • Lectures: Thu 10:15, D120
  • Exercises: Fri 16:15, D120, (Lecture on Nov 15)
  • Physics Tutorial: Fri 12:30, D308
  • 1st Exam (written): Thu Feb 06, 10:00
  • 2nd Exam (written): Thu Mar 27, 10:00


  1. Preliminaries, Motivation
  2. Wave functions, Schrödinger equation
  3. One-dimensional problems, harmonic oscillator
  4. Three-dimensional systems & the hydrogen atom
  5. Advanced topics: Pertubation theory, many particles


  • Basic:
    • D. McMahon, »Quantum Mechanics Demystified«
  • Conceptional:
    • A. Zagoskin, »Quantum Mechanics: A Complete Introduction«
    • L. Susskind & A. Friedman, »Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum«
    • J. Schwichtenberg, »No-Nonsense Quantum Mechanics: A Student-Friendly Introduction«
  • Physics:
    • W. Nolting, »Theoretical Physics 6: Quantum Mechanics - Basics« (ebook)
    • J. Sakurai, »Modern Quantum Mechanics«
    • F. Schwabl, »Quantum Mechanics«


  • Exercise sheets are handed out Thursdays in the lecture and must be handed in Tuesdays before 12pm (noon) in the letterbox in front of Ismael Septermbre's office (B005).
  • In each exercise class, there will be a written mini-test.
  • Requirements for admission to the written exam:
    • 50% of the grand total of all points in the exercises
    • 50% of the grand total of all points in the in-class mini-tests
    • active participation in the exercise classes
  • A script of the lecture and the exercise sheets can be found at sciebo (access for participants: QM2024).
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