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Tristan M. Kraft

Tristan Maximilian Kraft PhD student

Room: B-111

Phone: +49 271 740 3716


See also arxiv

Tristan Kraft, Cornelia Spee, Xiao-Dong Yu and Otfried Gühne
Characterizing Quantum Networks: Insights from Coherence Theory

Networks based on entangled quantum systems enable interesting applications in quantum information processing and the understanding of the resulting quantum correlations is essential for advancing the technology. We show that the theory of quantum coherence provides powerful tools for analyzing this problem. For that, we demonstrate that a recently proposed approach to network correlations based on covariance matrices can be improved and analytically evaluated for the most important cases.

Tristan Kraft, Sébastien Designolle, Christina Ritz, Nicolas Brunner, Otfried Gühne and Marcus Huber
Quantum entanglement in the triangle network

Beyond future applications, quantum networks open interesting fundamental perspectives, notably novel forms of quantum correlations. In this work we discuss quantum correlations in networks from the perspective of the underlying quantum states and their entanglement. We address the questions of which states can be prepared in the so-called triangle network, consisting of three nodes connected pairwise by three sources. We derive necessary criteria for a state to be preparable in such a network, considering both the cases where the sources are statistically independent and classically correlated. This shows that the network structure imposes strong and non-trivial constraints on the set of preparable states, fundamentally different from the standard characterisation of multipartite quantum entanglement.

Tristan Kraft and Marco Piani
Monogamy relations of quantum coherence between multiple subspaces

Quantum coherence plays an important role in quantum information protocols that provide an advantage over classical information processing. The amount of coherence that can exist between two orthogonal subspaces is limited by the positivity constraint on the density matrix. On the level of multipartite systems, this gives rise to what is known as monogamy of entanglement. On the level of single systems this leads to a bound, and hence, a trade-off in coherence that can exist between different orthogonal subspaces. In this work we derive trade-off relations for the amount of coherence that can be shared between a given subspace and all other subspaces based on trace norm, Hilbert-Schmidt norm and von Neumann relative entropy. From this we derive criteria detecting genuine multisubspace coherence.

Roope Uola, Tom Bullock, Tristan Kraft, Juha-Pekka Pellonpää and Nicolas Brunner
All quantum resources provide an advantage in exclusion tasks

A key ingredient in quantum resource theories is a notion of measure. Such as a measure should have a number of fundamental properties, and desirably also a clear operational meaning. Here we show that a natural measure known as the convex weight, which quantifies the resource cost of a quantum device, has all the desired properties. In particular, the convex weight of any quantum resource corresponds exactly to the relative advantage it offers in an exclusion task. After presenting the general result, we show how the construction works for state assemblages, sets of measurements and sets of transformations. Moreover, in order to bound the convex weight analytically, we give a complete characterisation of the convex components and corresponding weights of such devices.

Erkka Haapasalo, Tristan Kraft, Nikolai Miklin and Roope Uola
Quantum marginal problem and incompatibility

One of the basic distinctions between classical and quantum mechanics is the existence of fundamentally incompatible quantities. Such quantities are present on all levels of quantum objects: states, measurements, quantum channels, and even higher order dynamics. In this manuscript we show that two seemingly different aspects of quantum incompatibility: the quantum marginal problem of states and the incompatibility on the level of quantum channels are in one-to-one correspondence with each other. Importantly, as incompatibility of measurements is a special case of channel incompatibility, it also forms an instance of the quantum marginal problem. The connection enables the translation of various results between the fields. As examples we solve the marginal problem for pairs of two-qubit Bell diagonal states, derive entropic criteria for channel incompatibility and give a task-oriented characterisation for a well-known semi-definite programming hierarchy of symmetric extendability of quantum states.


Roope Uola, Tristan Kraft and Alastair A. Abbott
Quantification of quantum dynamics with input-output games
Phys. Rev. A 10, , 052306 (2020), arXiv:1906.09206

Recent developments surrounding resource theories have shown that any quantum state or measurement resource, with respect to a convex (and compact) set of resourceless objects, provides an advantage in a tailored subchannel or state discrimination task, respectively. Here we show that an analogous, more general result is also true in the case of dynamical quantum resources, i.e., channels and instruments. In the scenario we consider, the tasks associated to a resource are input-output games. The advantage a resource provides in these games is naturally quantified by a generalized robustness measure. We illustrate our approach by applying it to a broad collection of examples, including classical and measure-and-prepare channels, measurement and channel incompatibility, LOCC operations, and steering, as well as discussing its applicability to other resources in, e.g., quantum thermodynamics. We finish by showing that our approach generalizes to higher-order dynamics where it can be used, for example, to witness causal properties of supermaps.

Roope Uola, Tristan Kraft, Jiangwei Shang, Xiao-Dong Yu and Otfried Gühne
Quantifying quantum resources with conic programming
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 130404 (2019), arXiv:1812.09216

Resource theories can be used to formalize the quantification and manipulation of resources in quantum information processing such as entanglement, asymmetry and coherence of quantum states, and incompatibility of quantum measurements. Given a certain state or measurement, one can ask whether there is a task in which it performs better than any resourceless state or measurement. Using conic programming, we prove that any general robustness measure (with respect to a convex set of free states or measurements) can be seen as a quantifier of such outperformance in some discrimination task. We apply the technique to various examples, e.g. joint measurability, POVMs simulable by projective measurements, and state assemblages preparable with a given Schmidt number.

Tristan Kraft and Marco Piani
Genuine correlated coherence
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 41 (2018)

We introduce a notion of genuine correlated coherence. Such a notion is based on the possibility of concentrating on individual systems the coherence present in a distributed system, by making use of incoherent unitary transformations. We define an entropic quantifier of genuine correlated multipartite coherence for generic mixed states, and we focus on the bipartite pure-state case. In the latter case we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the possibility of fully localizing the coherence, hence identifying the conditions for genuine correlated bipartite coherence. We analyze in detail the quantitative problem for the case of two-qubit pure states, identifying the states with the largest amount of genuine correlated coherence. Interestingly, such states do not have maximal global coherence nor maximal coherence rank.

Tristan Kraft, Christina Ritz, Nicolas Brunner, Marcus Huber and Otfried Gühne
Characterizing Genuine Multilevel Entanglement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 060502 (2018), arXiv:1707.01050

Entanglement of high-dimensional quantum systems has become increasingly important for quantum communication and experimental tests of nonlocality. However, many effects of high-dimensional entanglement can be simulated by using multiple copies of low-dimensional systems. We present a general theory to characterize those high-dimensional quantum states for which the correlations cannot simply be simulated by low-dimensional systems. Our approach leads to general criteria for detecting multilevel entanglement in multiparticle quantum states, which can be used to verify these phenomena experimentally.

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