Martin Plávala
PostdocRoom: B-005
See also arxiv
Mark Girard, Martin Plávala and Jamie Sikora
Jordan products of quantum channels and their compatibility
Given two quantum channels, we examine the task of determining whether they are compatible - meaning that one can perform both channels simultaneously but, in the future, choose exactly one channel whose output is desired (while forfeiting the output of the other channel). We show several results concerning this task. First, we show it is equivalent to the quantum state marginal problem, i.e., every quantum state marginal problem can be recast as the compatibility of two channels, and vice versa. Second, we show that compatible measure-and-prepare channels (i.e., entanglement-breaking channels) do not necessarily have a measure-and-prepare compatibilizing channel. Third, we extend the notion of the Jordan product of matrices to quantum channels and present sufficient conditions for channel compatibility. These Jordan products and their generalizations might be of independent interest. Last, we formulate the different notions of compatibility as semidefinite programs and numerically test when families of partially dephasing-depolaring channels are compatible.
Guillaume Aubrun, Ludovico Lami, Carlos Palazuelos and Martin Plavala
Entangleability of cones
We solve a long-standing conjecture by Barker, proving that the minimal and maximal tensor products of two finite-dimensional proper cones coincide if and only if one of the two cones is generated by a linearly independent set. Here, given two proper cones $C_1$, $C_2$, their minimal tensor product is the cone generated by products of the form $x_1 \otimes x_2$, where $x_1 \in C_1$ and $x_2 \in C_2$, while their maximal tensor product is the set of tensors that are positive under all product functionals $f_1 \otimes f_2$, where $f_1$ is positive on $C_1$ and $f_2$ is positive on $C_2$. Our proof techniques involve a mix of convex geometry, elementary algebraic topology, and computations inspired by quantum information theory. Our motivation comes from the foundations of physics: as an application, we show that any two non-classical systems modelled by general probabilistic theories can be entangled.
Martin Plávala and Mário Ziman
Popescu-Rohrlich box implementation in general probabilistic theory of
It is shown that Popescu-Rohrlich nonlocal boxes (beating the Tsirelson bound for Bell inequality) do exist in the existing structures of both quantum and classical theory. In particular, we design an explicit example of measure-and-prepare nonlocal (but no-signaling) channel being the realization of nonlocal and no-signaling Popescu-Rohrlich box within the generalized probabilistic theory of processes. Further we present a post-selection-based spatially non-local implementation and show it does not require truly quantum resources, hence, improving the previously known results. Interpretation and potential (spatially non-local) simulation of this form of process nonlocality and the protocol is discussed.
Anna Jenčová and Martin Plávala
Structure of quantum and classical implementations of Popescu-Rohrlich
Phys. Rev. A 10,
, 042208
We construct implementations of the PR-box using quantum and classical channels as state spaces. In both cases our constructions are very similar and they share the same idea taken from general probabilistic theories and the square state space model. We construct all quantum qubit channels that maximally violate a given CHSH inequality, we show that they all are entanglement-breaking channels, that they have certain block-diagonal structure and we present some examples of such channels.
Anna Jenčová and Martin Plávala
On the properties of spectral effect algebras
Quantum 3,
The aim of this paper is to show that there can be either only one or uncountably many contexts in any spectral effect algebra, answering a question posed in [S. Gudder, Convex and Sequential Effect Algebras, (2018), arXiv:1802.01265]. We also provide some results on the structure of spectral effect algebras and their state spaces and investigate the direct products and direct convex sums of spectral effect algebras. In the case of spectral effect algebras with sharply determining state space, stronger properties can be proved: the spectral decompositions are essentially unique, the algebra is sharply dominating and the set of its sharp elements is an orthomodular lattice. The article also contains a list of open questions that might provide interesting future research directions.
Teiko Heinosaari, Leevi Leppäjärvi and Martin Plávala
No-free-information principle in general probabilistic theories
Quantum 3,
In quantum theory, the no-information-without-disturbance and no-free-information theorems express that those observables that do not disturb the measurement of another observable and those that can be measured jointly with any other observable must be trivial, i.e., coin tossing observables. We show that in the framework of general probabilistic theories these statements do not hold in general and continue to completely specify these two classes of observables. In this way, we obtain characterizations of the probabilistic theories where these statements hold. As a particular class of state spaces we consider the polygon state spaces, in which we demonstrate our results and show that while the no-information-without-disturbance principle always holds, the validity of the no-free-information principle depends on the parity of the number of vertices of the polygons.
Martin Plávala
Conditions for the compatibility of channels in general probabilistic
theory and their connection to steering and Bell nonlocality
Phys. Rev. A 96,
We derive general conditions for the compatibility of channels in general probabilistic theory. We introduce formalism that allows us to easily formulate steering by channels and Bell nonlocality of channels as generalizations of the well-known concepts of steering by measurements and Bell nonlocality of measurements. The generalization does not follow the standard line of thinking stemming from the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, but introduces steering and Bell nonlocality as entanglement-assisted incompatibility tests. We show that all of the proposed definitions are, in the special case of measurements, the same as the standard definitions, but not all of the known results for measurements generalize to channels. For example, we show that for quantum channels, steering is not a necessary condition for Bell nonlocality. We further investigate the introduced conditions and concepts in the special case of quantum theory and we provide many examples to demonstrate these concepts and their implications.
Anna Jenčová and Martin Plávala
Conditions on the existence of maximally incompatible two-outcome
measurements in General Probabilistic Theory
Phys. Rev. A 96,
We formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a pair of maximally incompatible two-outcome measurements in a finite dimensional General Probabilistic Theory. The conditions are on the geometry of the state space, they require existence of two pairs of parallel exposed faces with additional condition on their intersections. We introduce the notion of discrimination measurement and show that the conditions for a pair of two-outcome measurements to be maximally incompatible are equivalent to requiring that a (potential, yet non-existing) joint measurement of the maximally incompatible measurements would have to discriminate affinely dependent points. We present several examples to demonstrate our results.
Martin Plávala
All measurements in a probabilistic theory are compatible if and only if
the state space is a simplex
Phys. Rev. A 94,
We study the compatibility of measurements on finite-dimensional compact convex state space in the framework of general probabilistic theory. Our main emphasis is on formulation of necessary and sufficient conditions for two-outcome measurements to be compatible and we use these conditions to show that there exist incompatible measurements whenever the state space is not a simplex. We also formulate the linear programming problem for the compatibility of two-outcome measurements.
Anna Jenčová and Martin Plávala
Conditions for optimal input states for discrimination of quantum
J. Math. Phys. 57,
, 122203
We find optimality conditions for testers in discrimination of quantum channels. These conditions are obtained using semidefinite programming and are similar to optimality conditions for POVMs obtained by Holevo for ensembles of quantum states. We get a simple condition for existence of an optimal tester with any given input state with maximal Schmidt rank, in particular with a maximally entangled input state and we show the pitfalls of using input states with not maximal Schmidt rank. In case when maximally entangled state is not the optimal input state an error estimate is obtained. The results for maximally entangled input state are applied to covariant channels, qubit channels, unitary channels and simple projective measurements.