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Summer term 2023


Vorlesung: PD Dr. Matthias Kleinmann
Übungen: Kiara Hansenne


Vorlesung: Di. 16:00 (ENC-B 030)  (Unisono)
Übung: Fr. 16:00 (ENC-B 030)  (Unisono)


Übungszettel: Blatt 1 Blatt 2 Blatt 3 Blatt 4 Blatt 5 Blatt 6 Blatt 7 Blatt 8

Aspects of Machine Learning

Lecture: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nimmrichter, Dr. rer. nat. Chau Nguyen


Lectures: Mon. 12–14h (ENC-B 030)  (Unisono) 
Exercise classes: Fri. 12-14h (ENC-D 115)  (Unisono)

Exercise sheets:


  • Please register for the lecture via unisono.

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Lecture: Prof. Dr. Otfried Gühne


Lectures: Tue. 12–14h (ENC-D 120) and Fri. 10-12h (ENC-D 120)  (Unisono) 
Exercise classes: Wed. 10-12h (ENC-D 120)  (Unisono)

Exercise sheets:


  • Please register for the lecture via unisono.
  • This is a lecture in the MSc program but also suitable for BSc students that have finished the quantum mechanics course.

Key Concepts of Theoretical Physics

Lecturers: PD Dr. Matthias Kleinmann, Dr. rer. nat. Chau Nguyen, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nimmrichter, Prof. Dr. Otfried Gühne


Seminars: Wed. 12:00–14:00 (ENC-D 115)  (Unisono)


  • Preliminary meeting on April 5th (Wed.) at 12:15 in room D 115 (exact dates and topics will be fixed then).
  • Please register for the lecture via unisono or contact one of the lecturers.
  • Suggested topics:
    • Causal inference: How can we distinguish a cause from an effect?
    • Hoeffiding's inequality and the central limit theorem: How many runs does an experiment need in order to be statistically significant?
    • Lorentz equations as examples of nonlinear differential equations: Chaotic behaviour and strange attractors
    • Maxwell's demon and Landauer's principle: What is the thermodynamical price or information processing?
    • The spin-statistics Theorem: Why do electrons have an antisymmetric wave function?

Philosophie im Physikstudium

Kontakt: PD Dr. Matthias Kleinmann (Physik), Prof. Dr. Cord Friebe (Philosophie)

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