Theses of the group
Habilitation theses
- Matthias Kleinmann (12/2019)
The structure of measurements and states in quantum theory
[pdf] - Chau Nguyen (06/2022)
Correlations and other phenomena in quantum mechanics
PhD theses
- Oleg Gittsovich (U Innsbruck, 05/2010)
Quantum correlations: entanglement detection with second moments and the classical simulation of disordered systems
[pdf] - Bastian Jungnitsch (U Innsbruck, 02/2012)
Criteria for genuine multiparticle quantum correlations
[book] [pdf] - Sönke Niekamp (04/2012)
Characterizing quantum correlations: entanglement, uncertainty relations and exponential families
[pdf] - Martin Hofmann (04/2014)
Characterizing quantum correlations: the genuine multiparticle negativity as entanglement monotone
[pdf] - Costantino Budroni (09/2014)
Temporal quantum correlations and hidden variable models
[book] [pdf] - Marius Paraschiv (11/2016)
Aspects of entanglement in multipartite and decaying systems
[pdf] - Sanah Altenburg (05/2017)
Schemes for quantum metrology in presence of noise
[book] [pdf] - Nikolai Miklin (08/2017)
Characterizing classical and quantum systems from marginal correlations
[pdf] - Felix Huber (12/2017)
Quantum states and their marginals: from multipartite entanglement to quantum error-correcting codes
[pdf] - Roope Uola (05/2018)
Probing quantum steering through incompatible measurements
[pdf] - Christina Ritz (12/2018)
Classification of entanglement in multipartite and multidimensional systems
[pdf] - Mariami Gachechiladze (08/2019)
Quantum hypergraph states and the theory of multiparticle entanglement
[pdf] - Nikolai Wyderka (05/2020)
Learning from correlations: What parts of quantum states tell about the whole
[pdf] - Tristan Kraft (11/2020)
Aspects of quantum resources: coherence, measurements, and network correlations
[pdf] - Timo Simnacher (07/2021)
The interplay between quantum entanglement, coherence, and convex optimization
[pdf] - Fabian Bernards (05/2022)
Generalized Bell inequalities and quantum entanglement
[pdf] - Jonathan Steinberg (08/2023)
Mathematical structures in quantum information theory: tensors, correlations and state estimation
[pdf] - Satoya Imai (09/2023)
Randomized measurements as a tool in quantum information processing
Master theses
- Christian Knapp (U Innsbruck, 02/2008)
Multipartite und gebundene Verschränkung in Spinmodellen
[pdf] - Marcel Bergmann (12/2012)
Multipartite Verschränkungskriterien für Dicke Zustände
[pdf] - Jochen Szangolies (12/2012)
Das Kochen-Specker-Theorem: Analyse realistischer Fehlermodelle
[book] [pdf] - Lars-Erik Buchholz (12/2013)
Verschränkungseigenschaften von Mehrteilchensystemen mit GHZ-Symmetrie
[pdf] - Christina Ritz (12/2014)
Equivalence classes of entanglement in tripartite systems
[pdf] - Fabiano Lever (04/2016)
Measurement incompatibility as a quantum resource
[pdf] - Tristan Kraft (11/2016)
Certifying high-dimensional entanglement
[pdf] - Jannik Hoffmann (11/2016)
Temporal correlations in quantum theory
[pdf] - Florian Köppen (03/2017)
Bestimmung sicherer Schlüsselraten in der Quantenkryptographie
[pdf] - Fabian Bernards (06/2018)
Properties and Generalizations of Daemonic Ergotropy
[pdf] - Marcel Seelbach Benkner (09/2019)
Bound entanglement in dxd-systems with symmetry
[pdf] - Jonathan Steinberg (12/2019)
Extensions and restrictions of generalized probabilistic theories
[book][pdf] - Michael Gaida (04/2022)
Measurement - based models of friction and dissipative collapse
[pdf] - Pascal Höhn (05/2022)
Constructive Methods for State-independent Contextuality
[pdf] - Jens Borgemeister (12/2022)
Correlations and Dynamics of Spin Systems in Quantum Simulations
[pdf] - Lisa Weinbrenner (09/2022)
Charakterisierung von Wartezeiten in verschiedenen Modellen von Quantennetzwerken
[book][pdf] - Sabiha Durucan (09/2022)
Characterizing key rates in quantum cryptography with convex optimization
[pdf] - Salwa Shaglel (10/2022)
Estimating the entangling power of a two-qubit gate from measurement data: artificial neural networks and randomized measurements versus standard tomography methods
[pdf] - Sophia Denker (02/2023)
Characterizing multiparticle entanglement using the Schmidt decomposition of operators
Bachelor theses
- Florian Köppen (10/1012)
Schwache Messung und die Bestimmung gemittelter Trajektorien am Doppelspalt - Jannik Hoffmann (10/2014)
Simultaneous measurements in quantum theory - Tristan Kraft (10/2014)
Simulation offener Quantensysteme mit Monte-Carlo-Methoden - Fabian Bernards (03/2016)
Entanglement detection with different operator bases - Andre Marcel Seelbach Benkner (10/2016)
Jarzinsky equality in theory and experiment - Anna Lina Vandré (03/2018)
Simulability of Quantum Measurements - Jonathan Steinberg (9/2018)
Observables and Time Evolution in Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics - Carsten Gerlach (9/2018)
Untersuchung von Verschränkung in stochastischen Quantenschaltkreisen - Lisa Weinbrenner (6/2019)
Gemeinsame Messbarkeit und Bell-Ungleichungen - Michael Gaida (4/2020)
Comparison of different notions of bound entanglement - Pascal Höhn (5/2020)
Finding Bell inequalities with linear programming - Theo Spornhauer (08/2021)
Critical Percolation Probabilities in Two-dimensional Lattices - Sebastian Schlösser (01/2023)
Genuine quantum entanglement in the qudit stabilizer formalism - Tim Achenbach (02/2023)
The Role of the Post-Processing Preorder of Quantum Measurements in Random Access Codes