International Master Program
Master program in physics
Are you interested in doing fundamental research in physics? These pages offer information for international students who are interested to obtain a MSc in Physics in Siegen.
The University of Siegen was founded in 1972 and is with 19.000 students a medium-size university in Germany. At the Department of Physics about 400 students and 16 professors are working together, resulting in an excellent student-to-staff ratio. The department focuses its research activities on three topical research areas (particle physics, quantum optics, solid state physics) and hosts internationally leading research groups.
The master program is research-oriented and offers specializations in the research areas of the department. During the first year, students can choose between various lectures and courses and in the second year students carry out a project in one of the research groups, leading to the master thesis. Admission to this program is possible in spring and fall each year.
For quick information, you can also download the flyer and poster of the MSc program. There is also more detailed information on the Focus Area Particle Physics and the Focus Area Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
Other opportunities
Besides the MSc in Physics, we offer the following programs and opportunities for international students:
The international MSc program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology focuses on modern aspects of the science and technology of nanoscopic systems, ranging from basic knowledge to applications and devices. The program is a joint initiative of the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering.
Starting in 2023, the international MSc program Quantum Science focuses on foundational and practical aspects of quantum science, ranging from basic research to quantum devices. The interdiciplinary program is open to students with a BSc in physics, mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering.
The BSc program in physics gives an introduction into the main concepts of modern physics. It is taught in German and more information is available on the German website.
Students who wish to come to Siegen for an internship in research, should contact the corresponding research group leaders.
In addition, the School of Science and Technology of the University offers MSc programs for international students in Chemistry, Computer Science, and Mechatronics.