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Physics in Siegen

Research areas

PhysicsResearch in physics in Siegen focuses on theoretical and experimental aspects of particle physics, quantum optics and solid state physics. Our research groups work on

  • Experimental high energy physics and astroparticle physics
  • Theoretical particle physics
  • Experimental quantum optics
  • Theoretical quantum optics and quantum information theory
  • Experimental solid state physics and research with synchrotron radiation
  • Experimental X-ray physics
  • X-ray tomography

During the MSc thesis, students are directly working in the research groups and can contribute to the current research.

University life

SiegenThe University of Siegen is a research university with currently about 19,000 full-time students. We have a thriving community of about 2,000 international students and over 110 countries are represented in the student body. A comprehensive program of extracurricular activities is offered by the Department of International Student Affairs. The program includes cultural nights, social meetings and trips to cities around Germany which offer great opportunities to meet other international students and experience German history and culture. In addition, German courses are offered. The campus provides a number of entertainment activities. Sports classes are offered at the university gym, and students are welcome to join student organizations or get involved with the student-run campus radio and television, or other activities, such as choirs and orchestras.

City of Siegen

Siegen is a city of about 100,000 residents and it is surrounded by an idyllic, rural landscape. The local area is home to several internationally recognized industrial companies, many of which cooperate with the university in a variety of innovative projects. The nearby hills and lakes provide opportunities for all kind of outdoor activities. Frankfurt and Cologne are reached within 1.5 hours by train. The location offers many opportunities to travel throughout Germany and Europe. The student ticket entitles students to use local public transport free-of-charge throughout North Rhine-Westphalia.

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