Workshop Quantum Simulation and Control
Teilnehmer (Bild anklicken um zu vergrößern) |
- Chris Dawson (Imperial College London)
- An optimal control approach to the classical simulation of quantum many-body systems [Folien]
- Steffen Glaser (TU München)
- GRAPE, Robust Control and Quantum Gate Design Metric [Folien]
- Michael Hartmann (Imperial College London)
- Quantum Phase Transitions: Realization and Detection [Folien]
- Fedor Jelezko (Universität Stuttgart)
- Quantum Gates with NV Centres [Folien]
- Quantum phase transitions with NV diamonds [Folien]
- Strefan Kröll (Universität Lund)
- Quantum gates in rare-earth-ion doped crystals [Folien]
- Alexander Retzker (Imperial College London)
- Cooling Using Stark Shift Gate [Folien]
- Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen (TU München)
- Quantum Compilation by Optimal Control: Results and Prospects for SP4 [Folien]
- Jason Twamley (Macquarie University Sydney)
- Global Quantum Computation: Error Correction and Fault Tolerance [Folien]
- Christof Wunderlich (Universität Siegen)
- Error Resistant Quantum Gates with Trapped Ions [Folien]
- Quantum phase transitions with NV diamonds [Folien]
- Mario Ziman (RCQI Bratislava)
- Quantum process tomography from incomplete data [Folien]