The importance of temperature-dependent collison frequency in PIC simulation on nanometric density evolution of highly collisional dense plasmas M. Banjafar et al. submitted Speckle contrast from a split-and-delay unit with seeded X-ray pulses of the MID instrument at European XFEL C. Goy et al.submitted DAPHNE4NFDI - improving research data management at synchrotron radiation facilities L. Amelung et al. submitted A 250 Hz fast X-ray shutter with flexible sampling schemes for Bio-XPCS experiments at beamline P10, PETRA IIIN. D. Anthuparambil, M. Kowalski, S. Timmermann, F. Westermeier, D. Weschke, M. Ziolkowski, S. Heidbrink, M. Dargasz , M. Paulus, M. Sprung, C. Gutt submitted Coherent X-rays reveal anomalous molecular diffusion and cage effects in crowded protein solutionsA. Girelli et al. submitted 2025 FAIR data - The Photon and Neutron Communties move toegther towards open scienceB. Murphy, A. Götz, C. Gutt, C. Mc Guinness, H.M. Ronnow, A. Schneidewind, S. Deladda, U. Pietsch IUCrJ 12, (2025)
2024 Salt induced slowdown of kinetics and dynamics during thermal gelation of egg-yolkN. D. Anthuparambil, S. Timmermann, M. Dargasz, S. Retzbach, M. D. Senft, N. Begam, A. Ragulskaya, M. Paulus, F. Zhang, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, F. Schreiber, C.GuttJ. Chem. Phys. 161, 055102 (2024) Visualizing ultrafast kinetic instabilities in laser-driven solids using X-ray scattering P. Ordyna, C. Bätz, E. Brambrink, M. Bussmann, A. Laso Garcia, M. Garten, L- Gaus, S. Göde, J. Grenzer, C. Gutt, H. Höppner, L. Huang, O. Humpries, B. Marre, J. Metzges-Ng, T. Miethlinger, M. Nakatsutsumi, Ö. Öztürk, X. Pan, F. Paschke-Brühl, A. Pelka, I. Prencipe, T. Preston, L. Randolph, H.P. Schlenvoigt, J.P. Schwinkendorf, M. Smid, S. Starke, R. Stefanikova, E. Thiessemhusen, T. Toncian, K. Zeil, U. Schramm, T. Cowan, T. KlugeCommunications Physics 7, 296 (2024) Excitation and detection of coherent nanoscale spin waves via extreme ultraviolet transient gratings P. Miedaner, N. Berndt, J. Deschamps, S. Urazhdin, N. Khatu, D. Fainozzi, M. Brioschi, P. Carrara, R. Cucini, G. Rossi, S. Wittrock, D. Ksenzov, R. Minicgrucci, F. Bencivenga, L. Foglia, E. Paltanin, S. Bonetti, D. Engel, D. Schick, C. Gutt, R. Comin, K.A. Nelson, A.A. MaznevScience Advances 10, eadp 6015 (2024) (Sub-)picosecond surface correlations of femtosecond laser excited Al-coated multilayers observed by grazing-incidence X-ray scattering
L. Randolph, M. Banjafar, T. Yabuuchi, C. Baehtz, M. Bussmann, N. P. Dover, L. Huang, Y. Inubushi, G. Jakob, M. Kläui, D. Ksensov, M. Makita, K.
Miyanishi, M. Nishiuchi, Ö. Öztürk, M. Paulus, A. Pelka, T. R. Preston, J.-P. Schwinkendorf, K. Sueda, T. Togashi, T. E. Cowan, T. Kluge, C. Gutt, M. NakatsutsumiNanomaterials 14, 1050 (2024)
Application of machine learning in the grain related clustering of Laue spots in a polycrystalline energy dispersive Laue pattern A. Tosson, M. Shokr, M. Humaida, E. Mikayelyan, C. Gutt, U. Pietsch Int. Journal of Artifical Intelligence and Soft computing (IJAISC) (in print) Dynamic Metadata Schemes in Neutron and Photon Science Communitirs: A case stuy of X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy A. Tosson, M. Reza, C. Gutt International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 18, 276 (2024) On the analysis of two-time correlation functions: equilibrium vs non-equilibrium systems A. Ragulskaya, V. Starotsin, F. Zhang, C. Gutt, F. Schreiber Journal of Applied Crystallography 1, 57 (2024) 2023 Exploring non-equilibrium processes and spatio-temporal scaling laws in heated egg yolk using coherent X-raysN. Das Anthuparambil, A. Girelli, S. Timmermann, M. Kowalski, M. Akhundzadeh, S. Retzbach, M. D. Senft, M. Dargasz, D. Gutmüller, A. Hieremath, M. Moron, Ö. Öztürk, H.F. Poggemann, A. Ragulskaya, N. Begam, A. Tosson, M. Paulus, F. Westermeier, F. Zhang, M. Sprung, F. Schreiber, C. GuttProbing the dynamics of solid density micro-wire targets after ultra-intense laser irradiation using a free-electron laser T. Kluge, M. Bussmann, E. Galtier, S. Glenzer, J. Grenzer, C. Gutt, N. Hartley, L. Huang, A. Laso Garcia, H.J. Lee, E. McBride, J. Metzges-Ng, M. Nakatsutsumi, I. Nam, A. Pelka, I. Prencipe, L. Randolph, M. Rehwald, C. Rödel, M. Rödel, T. Toncian, L. Yang, U. Schramm, T. Cowan New Journal of Physics (2023) X-ray driven and intrinsic dynamics in protein gels S. Timmermann, N. Das Anthuparambil, A. Girelli, N. Begam, M. Kowalski, S. Retzbach, M. D. Senft, M.S. Akhundzadeh, H.F. Poggeman, M. Moron, A. Hieremath, D. Gutmüller, M. Dargasz, Ö. Öztürk, M. Paulus, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, A. Ragulskaya, F. Zhang, F. Schreiber, C. GuttScientific Reports 13, 11048 (2023) Nanocrystallites modulate intermolecular interactions in cryoprotected protein solutionsM. Filianina, M. Bin, S. Berkowicz, M. Reiser, H. Li, S. Timmermann, M. Blankenburg, K. Amann-Winkel, C. Gutt, F. Perakis J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 6197 (2023) DAPHNE4NFDI - the NFDI consortium for the synchrotron and neutron research communityA. Barty, C. Gutt, W. Lohstroh, B. Murphy, A. Schneidewind, J.-D. Grunwaldt, F. Schreiber, S. Busch, U. Tobias, M. Bussmann, H. Fangohr, H. Gözig, A. Houben, T. Kluge, M. Ingo, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, T. Schneider, F. Weber, B. Giovanni, O. Einsle, C. Felder, E. Herzig, U. Konrad, H, Markötter, K. Rossnagel, T. Sheppard, D. Turchinovich Zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.8040606) Coherent X-ray scattering reveals nanoscale fluctuations in hydrated proteins M. Bin, M. Reiser, M. Filianina, S. Berkowicz, S. Das, S. Timmermann, W. Roseker, R. Bauer, J. Öström, A. Karina, K. Amann-Winkel, M.L. Parada, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, J. Möller, F. Lehmkühler, C. Gutt , F. Perakis J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 4299 (2023) Effects of temperature and ionic strength on the microscopc structure and dynamics of egg white gelsN. Begam, S. Timmermann, A. Ragulskaya, A. Girelli, M. Senft, S. Retzbach, Nimmi Das A, M. Akhundzadeh, M. Kowalski, M. Reiser, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, F. Zhang, C. Gutt, F. Schreiber J. Chem. Phys. 158, 074903 (2023) 2022 Amortized Bayesian Inference of GISAXS Data with Normalizing Flows M. Zhadanov, L. Randolph, T. Kluge, M. Nakatsutsumi, C. Gutt, M. Ganeva, N. HoffmannMachine Learning and the Physical Science @ NeuIPS 2022 MHz-Rate Ultrafast X-ray scattering and holographic imaging at the European XFEL N. Z. Hagström et al. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 1454 (2022) Photo-controlled dynamics and transport in entangled wormlike micellar nanocomposites studied by XPCSM. Reiser, J. Hallmann, J. Möller, K. Kazarian, D. Orsi, L. Randolph, H. Rahmann, F. Westermeier, E. Stellamanns, M. Sprung, F. Zontone, L. Cristofolini, C. Gutt, A. MadsenMacromolecules 55, 8757 (2022) Resolving molecular diffusion and aggregation of antibody proteins with megahertz X-ray free-electron laser pulses
M. Reiser, A. Girelli, A. Ragulskaya, S. Das, S. Berkowicz, M. Bin, M. Ladd-Parada, M. Filianina, H.-F. Poggemann, N. Begam, M.S. Akhundzadeh, S. Timmermann, L. Randolph, Y. Chushkin, T. Seydel, U. Boesenberg, J. Hallmann, J. Möller, A. Rodrigues-Fernandez, R. Rosca, R. Schaffer, M. Scholz, R. Shayduk, A. Zozulya, A. Madsen, F. Schreiber, F. Zhang, F. Perakis, C. GuttNature Communications 13, 5528 (2022) Nanoscale subsurface dynamics of solids upon high-intensity femtosecond laser irradiation observed by grazing-incidence X-ray scattering L. Randolph, M. Banjafar, F. Schon, T.R. Preston, T. Yabuuchi, E. Bambrink, N. Dover, G. Jakob, M. Paulus, M. Makita, Y. Inubushi, J. Kaa, A. Kon, J. Koga, D. Ksenzov, S. Göde, T. Matsuoka, M. Nishiuchi, K. Sueda, Y. Sentoku, T. Togashi, M. Vafaee-Khanjani, M. Kläui, M. Bussmann, T.E. Cowan, A.P. Mancuso, C. Fortmann-Grote, T. Kluge, C. Gutt, M. NakatsutsumiRev. Res. 4, 033038 (2022) Reverse-engineering method for XPCS studies of non-equilibrium dynamics A. Ragulskaya, V. Starotsin, N. Begam, A. Girelli, H. Rahmann, M. Reiser, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, F. Zhang, C. Gutt, F. SchreiberIUCrJ 9, 439 (2022) Automated matching of two-time x-ray photon correlation maps from protein dynamics with Cahn-Hilliard type simulations using autoencoder networksS. Timmermann, V. Starostin, A. Girelli, A. Ragulskaya, H. Rahmann, M. Reiser, N. Begam, L. Randolph, M. Sprung, F. Westermeier, F. Zhang, F. Schreiber and C. Gutt Journal of Applied Crystallography 55, 751 (2022) Gelation dynamics upon pressure-induced liquid-liquid phase separation in a water-lysozyme solution M. Moron, A. Al-Masoodi, C. Lovato, M. Reiser, L. Randolph, G. Surmeier, J. Bolle, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, R. Winter, M. Paulus, and C. GuttJ. Phys. Chem. B 126, 4160 (2022) 2021 Probing ultrafast laser plasma processes inside solids with resonant small angle X-ray scattering L. Gaus, L. Bischoff, M. Bussmann, E. Cunningham, C.B. Curry, E. Galtier, M. Gauthier, A. Laso Garcia, M. Garten, S. Glenzer, J. Grenzer, C. Gutt, N. Hartley, U. Hübner, D. Kraus, H.J. Lee, E. McBride, J. Metzkes-Ng, M. Nakatsutsumi, M. Ota, A. Pelka, I. Prencipe, L. Randolph, M. Rödel, Y. Sakawa, H.P. Schlenvoigt, M. Smid, F. Treffert, K. Voigt, K. Zeil, T. E. Cowan, U.Schramm, T. Kluge Phys. Rev. Res. 3 043149 (2021) Using low dose X-ray speckle visibility spectroscopy to study dynamics of soft matter samplesJ. Möller, M. Reiser, J. Hallmann, U. Bosenberg, A. Zozulya, A. Becker, F. Westermeier, T. Zinn, T. Narayanan, C.Gutt, A. MadsenNew Journal of Physics 23, 093041 (2021) Interplay between kinetics and dynamics of liquid-liquid phase separation in a protein solution revealed by coherent X-ray spectroscopy
A. Ragulskaya, N. Begam, A. Girelli, H. Rahmann, M. Reiser, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, F. Zhang, C. Gutt, F. SchreiberJ. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 7085 (2021) Nanoscale transient magnetization gratings excited and probed by femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses
D. Ksenzov, A. A. Maznev, V. Unni, F. Bencivenga, F. Capotondi, L. Foglia, C. Masciovecchio, R. Mincigrucci, K. Nelson, M. Pancaldi, E. Pedersoli, L. Randolph, H. Rahmann, S. Urazhdin, S. Bonetti, C. Gutt
Nano Letters, 21, 2905 (2021) Microscopic dynamics underlying arrested phase separation of a model protein solution revealed by XPCS
A. Girelli, H. Rahmann, N. Begam, A. Ragulskaya, M. Reiser, S. Chandran, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, F. Zhang, C. Gutt, F. Schreiber
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 138004 (2021) Kinetics of network formation and heterogeneous dynamics of an egg-white gel revealed by coherent scattering
N. Begam, A. Ragulskaya, A. Girelli, H. Rahmann, S. Chandran, F. Westermeier, M. Reiser, M. Sprung, F. Zhang, C. Gutt, F. Schreiber
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 098001 (2021) - featured in Physics 2020 Chiral versus collinear magnetic order dynamics: faster chiral recovery after optical excitation revealed by femtosecond XUV scattering N. Kerber, D. Ksenzov, F. Freimuth, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, I.L. Quintas, B. Seng, J. Cramer, K. Litzius, D. Lacour, H. Zabel, Y. Mokrousov, M. Kläui, C. Gutt Nature Communications 11, 6304 (2020) Slowing down of dynamics and orientational order preceeding crystallisation in hard-sphere systems
F. Lehmkühler, B. Hankiewicz, M. A. Schroer, L. Müller, B. Ruta, D. Sheyfer, M. Sprung, K. Tono, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, C. Gutt, G. Grübel
Science Advances 6 (43), eabc5916 (2020) Towards Molecular movies with X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy F. Perakis and C. Gutt Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 19443 (2020) Wave vector dependence of the dynamics in supercooled metallic liquids
B. Ruta, S. Hechler N. Neuber, D. Orsi, L. Cristofolini, O. Gross, B. Bochtler, M. Frey, A. Kuball, S.S. Riegler, M. Stolpe, Z. Evenson, C. Gutt, F. Westermeier, R. Busch and I. GallinoPhys. Rev. Lett. 125, 055701 (2020) Intermittent dynamics of an antiferromagnetic phase in inhomogeneous KxFe2-ySe2 superconductor
A. Ricci, G. Campi, B. Joseph, N. Poccia, D. Innocenti, C. Gutt, M. Tanaka, H. Takeya, Y. Takano, T. Mizokawa, M. Sprung and N. Saini
Phys. Rev. B. 101, 020508 (R) (2020)
Berlin Declaration on NFDI Cross-Cutting Topics Glöckner, Frank Oliver; Diepenbroek, Michael; Felden, Janine; Overmann, Jörg; Bonn, Aletta; Gemeinholzer, Birgit; Güntsch, Anton; König-Ries, Birgitta; Seeger, Bernhard; Pollex-Krüger, Annette; Fluck, Juliane; Pigeot, Iris; Kirsten Toralf; Mühlhaus, Timo; Wolf, Christof; Heinrich, Uwe; Steinbeck, Christoph; Koepler, Oliver; Stegle, Oliver; Weimann, Joachim; Schörner-Sadenius, Thomas; Gutt, Christian; Stahl, Florian; Wagemann, Kurt; Schrade, Torsten; Schmitt, Robert; Eberl, Chris; Gauterin, Frank; Schultz, Martin; Bernard, Lars
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy of protein dynamics at nearly diffraction limited storage rings J. Möller, M. Sprung, A. Madsen, C. Gutt IUCrJ 6, 794 (2019) Implications of disturbed photon counting statistics of Eiger detectors on X-ray speckle visibility experiments J. Möller, M. Reiser, J. Hallmann, U. Boesenberg, A. Zozulya, H. Rahmann, A.-L. Becker, F. Westermeier, T. Zinn, F. Zontone, C. Gutt, A. Madsen
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 1705 (2019)
Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Transformation in Fundamental Research on Universe and Matter
Martin Erdmann, Christian Gutt, Andreas Haungs, Klaudia Hradil, Thomas Kuhr, Marcel Kunze, Anke-Susanne Müller, Günter Quast, Matthias Steinmetz
Recommendations of the ErUM Committees, printed by DESY PT
Observation of ultrafast solid-density plasma dynamics using femtosecond X-ray pulses from a free-electron laser
T. Kluge, C. Rödel, M. Rödel, A. Pelka, E.E. McBride, L.B. Fletcher, M. Harmand, A. Krygier, A. Higginbotham, M. Bussmann, E. Galtier, E: Gamboa, A.L. Garcia, M. Garten, S.H. Glenzer, C. Gutt, H.J. Lee, B. Nagler, W. Schumaker, M. Zacharias, U. Schramm, T.E. Cowan
Phys. Rev. X 8, 031068 (2018)
Ferroelectric domain wall dynamics characterized with X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy S. Gorfman, A. Bokov, A. Davtyan, M. Reiser, Y. Xie, Y. Ye, A. Zozulya, M. Sprung, U. Pietsch and C. Gutt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - PNAS 115 (29), 6680 (2018)
Low dose X-ray speckle visibility spectroscopy reveals nanoscale dynamics in radiation sensitive samples J. Verwohlt, M. Reiser, L. Randolph, A. Matic, A. Medina, M. Sprung, A. Zozulya, A. Madsen, and C. Gutt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 168001 (2018)
Measurements of ultrafast spin-profiles and spin-diffusion properties in the domain wall area at a metal/ferromagnetic film interface
T. Sant, D. Ksenzov, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, M. Manfredda, M. Kiskinova, H. Zabel, M. Kläui, J. Lüning, U. Pietsch and C. Gutt
Scientific Reports 7, 15064 (2017)
Nanometer-scale characterization of laser-driven compression, shocks and phase transitions by X-ray scattering using free-electron lasers
T. Kluge, C. Rödel,M. Rödel, A. Pelka, E. McBride, L. B. Fletcher, M. Bussmann,E. Galtier, E. Gamboa, A. L. Garcia, M. Garten, S. H. Glenzer, C. Gutt, H. J. Lee, B. Nagler, W. Schumaker, M. Zacharias, U. Schramm and T. E. Cowan
Physics of Plasmas 24, 102709 (2017)
Probing ultrafast changes of a vertical spin density profile with resonant XUV magnetic reflectivity at the free-electron laser FERMI
C. Gutt, T. Sant, D. Ksenzov, E. Pedersoli, F. Capotondi, M. Kiskinova, L. Raimondi, I. Nikolv, S. Jaiswal, G. Jakob, M. Kläui, H. Zabel, U. Pietsch
Structural Dynamics 4, 055101 (2017)
Model independent particle species disentanglement by X-ray cross-correlation analysis
B. Pedrini, A. Menzel, V.Z. Guzenko, C. David, R. Abela and C. Gutt
Scientific Reports 7, 45618 (2017)
Indirect excitation of ultrafast demagnetization
B. Vodungbo, B. Tudu, J. Perron, R. Delaunay, L. Müller, M.H. Berntsen, G. Grübel, G. Malinowski, C. Weier, J. Gutier, G. Lambert, P. Zeitoun, C. Gutt, E. Jal, A.H. Reid, P.W. Granitzka, N. Jaouen, G.L. Dakovski, S. Möller, P. Minitti, A. Mitra, S. Carron, B. Pfau, C. v. Korff Schmising, M. Schneider, S. Eisebitt, J. Lüning
Scientifc Reports 6, 18970 (2016)
Colloidal Crystallite Suspensions Studied by High Pressure Small Angle X-ray Scattering
Martin Schroer, Fabian Westermeier, Felix Lehmkühler, Heiko Conrad, Alexander Schavkan, Alexey Zozulya, Birgit Fischer, Wojciech Roseker, Michael Sprung, Christian Gutt, and Gerhard Grübel
J. Chem. Phys. 144, 084903 (2016)
Nanoscale femtosecond imaging of transient hot solid density plasma with elemental and charge state sensitivity using resonant coherent diffraction
T. Kluge, M. Bussmann, H.-K. Chung, C. Gutt, L.G. Huang, M. Zacharias, U. Schramm, T. Cowan
Physics of Plasmas 23, 033103 (2016)
Sequential Single Shot X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at the SACLA Free Electron Laser
F. Lehmkühler, P. Kwasniewski, W. Roseker, B. Fischer, M.A. Schroer, K. Tono, T. Katayama, M. Sprung, M. Sikorski, S. Song, J. Glownia, M. Chollet, S. Nelson, A. Robert, C. Gutt, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, G. Grübel
Scientifc Reports 5, 17193 (2015)
Correlated heterogeneous dynamics in glass-forming polymers
H. Conrad, F. Lehmkühler, B. Fischer, F. Westermeier, M. A. Schroer, Y. Chushkin, C. Gutt, M. Sprung and G. Grübel
Phys.Rev. E 91, 42309 (2015)
X-ray photon correlation spectroscpy
C. Gutt and M. Sprung
in X-ray diffraction - Modern Experimental Techniques (edited by O.H.Seeck and B.Murphy) Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore 2015
Nano-beam X-ray microscopy of dried colloidal films
M.A. Schroer, C. Gutt, F. Lehmkühler, B. Fischer, I. Steinke, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, G. Grübel
Soft Matter 11, 5465 (2015)
Resolving high-speed colloidal dynamics beyond detector response time via two pulse speckle contrast correlation
S. Lee, W. Jo, H.S. Wi, C. Gutt and W. Lee
Optics Express 22, 21567 (2014)
Demonstration of feasibility of X-ray free electron laser studies of dynamics of nanoparticles in entangled polymer melts
J. Carnis, W. Cha, J. Wingert, J. Kang, Z. Jiang, S. Song, M. Sikorski, A. Robert, C. Gutt, S.W. Chen, Y. Dai, Y. Ma, H. Guo, L.B. Lurio, O. Shpyrko, S. Narayanan, M. Cui, I. Kosikf, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell, H.C. Lee, C-J Yu, G. Grübel, S.K. Sinha, H. Kim
Scientific Reports 4, 6017 (2014)
Characteristics of angular cross correlations studied by light scattering from two-dimensional microsphere films
M.A. Schroer, C. Gutt, G. Grübel
Phys. Rev. E 90, 012309 (2014)
Local Orientational Structure of P3HT conjugated network investigated by X-ray nanodiffraction
C. Gutt, L. Grodd, E. Mikayelyan, U. Pietsch, J. Kline, S. Grigorian
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 2335 (2014)
Detecting Orientational Order in Model Systems by X-ray Cross Correlation Methods
F. Lehmkühler, C. Gutt, G. Grübel
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47, 1315 (2014)
Single Shot Coherence Properties of the Free-Electron Laser SACLA in the Hard X-ray Regime
F. Lehmkühler, C. Gutt, B. Fischer, M.A. Schroer, M. Sikorski, S. Song, W. Roseker, J. Glownia, M. Chollet, S. Nelson, K. Tono, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, A. Robert, G. Grübel
Scientific Reports 4, 5234 (2014)
Using X-ray free-electron lasers for probing of complex interactions dynamics of ultraintense lasers with solid matter
T. Kluge, C. Gutt, L.G. Huang, J. Metzkes, U. Schramm, M. Bussmann and T. Cowan
Physics of Plasmas 21, 033110 (2014)
Ultrafast Dynamics of Magnetic Domain Structures Probed by Coherent Free-Electron Laser Light
L. Müller. S. Schleitzer,C. Gutt, S. Schaffert, J. Geilhufe, C. von Korff Schmising, M. Schneider, C.M. Günther, F. Büttner, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, S. Düsterer, H. Redlin, A. Al-Shemmary, R. Treusch, J. Bach, R. Frömter, B. Vodungbo, J. Gautier, P. Zeitoun, H. Popescu, V. Lopez-Flores, N. Beaulieu, F. Sirotti, N. Jaouen, G. Malinowski, B. Tudu, K. Li, J. Lüning, H.P. Oepen, M. Kiskinova, S. Eisebitt and G. Grübel
Synchrotron Radiation News 26, 27 (2013)
Single shot speckle and coherence analysis of the hard X-ray free-electron laser LCLS
S.Lee, W. Roseker, C. Gutt, B. Fischer, H. Conrad, F. Lehmkühler, I. Steinke, D. Zhu, H. Lemke, M. Cammarata, D.M. Fritz, P. Wochner, M. Castro-Colin, S.O. Hruzskewycz, P.H. Fuoss, G.B. Stephenson, A. Robert and G. Grübel
Optics Express 21, 24647 (2013)
Coherent imaging using seeded FEL pulses with variable polarization at FERMI Elettra: first results and research opportunities
F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, N. Mahne, G. Passos, L. Raimondi, C. Svetina, G. Sandrina, M. Zangrando, M. Kiskinova, S. Bajt, M. Barthelmess, H. Fleckenstein, H. N. Chapman, J. Schulz, J. Bach, R. Frömter, S. Schleitzer,L. Müller, C. Gutt, G. Grübel
Rev. Sci. Instr. 84, 51301 (2013)
Breakdown of the X-ray resonant magnetic scattering signal during intense pulses of XUV free-electron laser radiation
L. Müller, C. Gutt, B. Pfau, S. Schaffert, J. Geilhufe, F. Büttner, J. Mohanty, S. Flewett, R. Treusch, S. Düsterer, H. Redlin, A. Al- Shemmary, M. Hille, A. Kobs, R. Frömter, H.P. Oepen, B. Ziaja, N. Medvedev, S.-K. Son, R. Thiele, R. Santra, B. Vodungbo, J. Lüning, S.Eisebitt, G. Grübel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 234801 (2013)
Endstation for ultrafast magnetic scattering experiments at the free-electron laser in Hamburg
L. Müller, C. Gutt, S. Streit-Nierobisch, M. Walther, S. Schaffert, B. Pfau, J. Geilhufe, Büttner, S. Flewett, C.M. Günther, S. Eisebitt, A. Kobs, M. Hille, D. Stickler, R. Frömter, H.P. Oepen, J. Lüning, and G. Grübel
Rev. Sci. Instr. 84, 13906 (2013)
High Contrast X-ray Speckle from Atomic-Scale Order in Liquids and Glasses
S. O. Hruszkewycz, M. Sutton, P.H. Fuoss, B. Adams, S. Rosenkranz, K.F. Ludwig, W. Roseker, D. Fritz, M. Cammarata, D. Zhu, S. Lee, H. Lemke, C. Gutt, A. Robert, G. Grübel and G.B. Stephenson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 185502 (2012)
Ultrafast optical demagnetization manipulates nanoscale spin structure in domain walls
B. Pfau, S. Schaffert, L. Müller, C. Gutt, A. Al-Shemmary, F. Büttner, R. Delaunay, S. Düsterer, S. Flewett, R. Frömter, J. Geilhufe, E. Guehrs, C. M. Günther, R. Hawalar, M. Hille, N. Jaouen, A. Kobs, K. Li, J. Mohanty, H. Redlin, W. F. Schlotter, D. Stickler, R. Treusch, B. Vodungbo, M. Kläui, H. P. Oepen, J. Lüning, G. Grübel, S. Eisebitt
Nature Communications 3, 1100 (2012)
Femtosecond single-shot imaging of nanoscale ferromagnetic order in Co/Pd multilayers using resonant X-ray holography
T. Wang, D. Zhu, B. Wu, C. Graves, S. Schaffert, T. Rander, L. Müller, B. Vodungbo, C. Baumier, D.P. Bernstein, B. Bräuer, V. Cros, S. deJong, R. Delaunay, A. Fognini, R. Kukreja, S. Lee, V. Lopez-Flores, J. Mohanty, B. Pfau, H. Popescu, N. Sacchi, A.B. Sardinha,F. Sirotti, P. Zeitoun, M. Messerschmidt, J.J. Turner, W.F. Schlotter, O. Hellwig, R. Mattana, N. Jaouen, F. Fortuna, Y. Acremann, C. Gutt, H.A. Dürr, E. Beaurepaire, C. Boeglin, S. Eisebitt, G. Grübel, J. Lüning, J. Stöhr and A. Scherz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 267403 (2012)
Single shot spatial and temporal coherence properties of the LCLS in the hard X-ray regime
C. Gutt, P. Wochner, B. Fischer, H. Conrad, M. Castro-Colin, S. Lee, F. Lehmkühler, I. Steinke, M. Sprung, W. Roseker, D. Zhu, H. Lemke, S. Bogle, P.H. Fuoss, G.B. Stephenson, M. Cammarata, D.M. Fritz, A. Robert and G. Grübel
Phys. Rev. Lett 108, 024801 (2012)
High wavevector temporal speckle correlations at the Linac Coherent Light Source
S.Lee, W. Roseker, C. Gutt, H. Zhirong, Y. Ding, G. Grübel, A. Robert
Optics Express 20, 9790 (2012)
X-ray holographic microscopy with zone plates applied to biological samples in the water window using 3rd harmonic radiation from the free-electron laser FLASH
T. Gorniak, R. Heine, A.P. Mancuso, F. Staier, C. Christophis, M.E. Pettitt, A. Sakdinawat, R. Treusch, N. Guerassimova, J. Feldhaus, C. Gutt, G. Grübel, S. Eisebitt, A. Beyer, A. Gölzhäuser, E. Weckert, M. Grunze, I. A. Vartanyants, A. Rosenhahn
Optics Express, 19, 11059 (2011)
Slow aging dynamics and avalanches in a gold-cadmium alloy investigated by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
L. Müller, M. Waldorf, C. Gutt, A. Madsen, G. Grübel, U. Klemradt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 105701 (2011)
Domain size in systems with canted magnetization
D. Stickler, R. Frömter, H. Stillrich, C. Menk, H.P. Oepen, C. Gutt, S. Streit-Nierobisch, L.M. Stadler, G. Grübel, C. Tieg, F. Yakhou-Harris
Phys. Rev. B 84, 104412 (2011)
Simulation study of the impact of AGIPD design choices on X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy utilizing the intensity autocorrelation technique
J. Becker, C. Gutt, H. Graafsma
Journal of Instrumentation 6, 11005 (2011)
Holographic X-ray microscopy
D. Stickler, R. Frömter, H. Stillrich, C. Menk, C. Tieg, S. Streit-Nierobisch, C. Gutt, L.-M. Stadler, O. Leupold, M. Sprung, G. Grübel, and H. P. Oepen
Applied Physics Letters 96, 042501 (2010), Title Page
System-level simulation of an X-ray imager with non-linear gain and per-pixel digitizer: XPCS case study
K. Hansen, M. Randall, S. Schleitzer, and C. Gutt
Nucl. Instr. Methods. A 613, 323 (2010)
Single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering using a soft x-ray free-electron laser
C. Gutt, S. Streit-Nierobisch, L.-M. Stadler, B. Pfau, C.M. Günther, R. Könnecke , R. Frömter, A. Kobs, D. Stickler, H.P. Oepen, R.R. Fäustlin, R. Treusch, J. Feldhaus, E. Weckert, I.A. Vartanyants, M. Grunze, A. Rosenhahn, T. Wilhein, S. Eisebitt, and G. Grübel
Phys. Rev. B 81, 100401 (R) (2010)
selected as Editor’s suggestion
see A. Kimel Physics 3, 20 (2010) for a Viewpoint
Overcoming the field of view restrictions in soft x-ray holographic imaging
C. Tieg, R. Frömter, D. Stickler, H. Stillrich, C. Menk, S. Streit-Nierobisch, L.-M. Stadler, C. Gutt, O. Leupold, M. Sprung, G. Grübel and H. P. Oepen
J. Phys.:Conf. Ser. 211, 012024 (2010)
Coherent imaging of biological samples with femtoseconds pulses at the free-electron laser FLASH
A.P. Mancuso, T. Gorniak, F. Staier, O. M. Yefanov, R. Barth, C. Christophis, B. Reime, J. Gulden, A. Singer, M. E. Pettit, T. Nisius, T. Wilhein, C. Gutt, G. Grübel, N. Guerassimova, R. Treusch, J. Feldhaus, S. Eisebitt, E. Weckert, M. Grunze, A. Rosenhahn, and I. A. Vartanyants
New Journal of Physics 12, 35003 (2010)
Hydrate formation at the methane/water interface on the molecular scale
T. Koga, J. Wong, M.K. Endoh, D. Mahajan, C. Gutt, S. Satija
Langmuir Letters 26, 4627 (2010)
Structure and dynamics of glassy charged colloids studied with coherent small angle X-ray scattering
B. Fischer, J. Wagner, C. Gutt, F. Westermeier, G. Grübel
J. Phys.:Conf. Ser. 247, 012026 (2010)
Dynamics at the liquid-vapor interface of a supercooled organic glass former
M. Sikorski, C. Gutt, Y. Chushkin, M. Lippmann, H. Franz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 215701 (2010)
Imaging in-plane magnetized Co microstructures by soft X-ray holography
C. Tieg, R. Frömter, D. Stickler, S. Hankemeier, A. Kobs, S. Streit-Nierobisch, C. Gutt, G. Grübel, H.P. Oepen
Optics Express 18, 27251 (2010)
The carbon dioxide-water interface at conditions of gas hydrate formation
F. Lehmkühler, M. Paulus, C. Sternemann, D. Lietz, F. Venturini, C.Gutt, M. Tolan
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 585 (2009)
Measuring Temporal Speckle Correlations at Ultrafast X-ray Sources
C. Gutt, L.-M. Stadler, A. Duri, T. Autenrieth, O. Leupold, Y. Chushkin, G. Grübel
Optics Express 17, 55 (2009)
Coherent-Pulse 2D Crystallography at Free Electron Lasers
A. P. Mancuso, A. Schropp, B. Reime, L.M. Stadler, A. Singer, J. Gulden, S. Streit-Nierobisch, C. Gutt, G. Grübel, J. Feldhaus, F. Staier, R. Barth, A. Rosenhahn, M. Grunze, T. Nisius, T. Wil-hein, D. Stickler, H. Stillrich, R. Frömter, H.P. Oepen, M. Martins, B. Pfau, C.M. Günther, R. Könnecke, S. Eisebitt, B. Faatz, N. Guerassimova, K. Honkavaara, V. Kocharyan, R. Treusch, E. Saldin, S. Schreiber, E.A. Schneidmiller, M.V. Yurkov, E. Weckert, and I.A. Vartanyants
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 035502 (2009)
Two dimensional heterogenous dynamics at the surface of a colloidal suspension
A. Duri, T. Autenrieth, L.M. Stadler, Y. Chuskin, O. Leupold, G. Grübel and C. Gutt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 145701 (2009)
Digital In-line Holography with femtosecond VUV radiation provided by the free electron laser FLASH
A. Rosenhahn, F. Staier, T. Nisius, D. Schäfer, R. Barth, C. Christophis, L.-M. Stadler, S. Streit-Nierobisch, C. Gutt, A. Mancuso, A. Schropp, J. Gulden, B. Reime, J. Feldhaus, E. Weckert, B. Pfau, C.M. Günther, R. Könnecke, S. Eisebitt, M. Martins, A. Brenger, B. Faatz, R. Treusch, N. Guerassimova, K. Honkavaara, V. Kocharyan, S. Schreiber, E.A. Schneidmiller, M.V. Yurkov, I. Vartaniants, G. Grübel, M. Grunze and T. Wilhein
Optics Express 17, 8220 (2009)
Resonant Magnetic Scattering with Femtosecond soft X-ray pulses from a free electron laser operating at 1.59 nm
C. Gutt, L.-M. Stadler, S. Streit-Nierobisch, A. Mancuso, A. Schropp, J. Gulden, B. Pfau, C.M. Günther, R. Könnecke, B. Reime, I.A. Vartaniants, E. Weckert, O. Hellwig, F. Staier, R. Barth, M. Grunze, A. Rosenhahn, T. Wilhein, T. Nisius, D. Stickler, H. Stillrich, R. Frömter, H.P. Oepen, R. Treusch, N. Guerassimova, M. Martins, K. Honkavaara, B. Faatz, V. Kocharyan, S. Schreiber, E.A. Schneidmiller, M.V. Yurkov, S. Eisebitt, and G. Grübel
Phys. Rev. B. 79, 212406 (2009)
A novel X-ray cross correlation analysis uncovers hidden local symmetries in disordered materials
P. Wochner, C. Gutt, T. Autenrieth, T. Demmer, V. Bugaev, A. Diaz-Ortiz, A. Duri, F. Zontone, G. Grübel, H. Dosch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 106, 11511 (2009)
Fourier Transform Holography in the context of coherent diffraction imaging with hard X-rays
L.-M. Stadler, C. Gutt, T. Autenrieth, O. Leupold, S. Rehbein, Y. Chuskin, G. Grübel
Physica status solidi A 206, 1846 (2009)
Fast 2D detection for XPCS using the PILATUS detector
F. Westermeier, T. Autenrieth, C. Gutt, O. Leupold, A. Duri, A. Menzel, I. Johnson, C. Brönnimann and G. Grübel
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 16, 687 (2009)
Magnetic soft X-ray holography study of focused ion beam-patterned Co/Pt multilayer
S. Streit-Nierobisch, C. Gutt, L.-M. Stadler, D. Stickler, R. Frömter, H. Stillrich, C. Menk, C. Tieg, O. Leupold, H.P. Oepen and G. Grübel
Journal of Applied Physics 106, 83909 (2009)
Cooling rate dependence of the glass transition at free surfaces S. Streit-Nierobisch, C. Gutt, M. Paulus, M. Tolan Phys. Rev. B 77, 41410 (R) (2008) Effects of partial coherence on correlation functions measured by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy C. Gutt, T. Ghaderi, M. Tolan, S. K. Sinha, G. Grübel Phys. Rev. B 77, 94133 (2008)
The structure of the water-propane interface investigated by X-ray reflectivity measurements M. Paulus, C. Gutt, M. Tolan Surface and Interface Analysis 40, 1226 (2008)
Hard X-ray Holographic Diffractive Imaging L.-M. Stadler, C. Gutt, T. Autenrieth, O. Leupold, S. Rehbein, Y. Chuskin, G. Grübel Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 245503 (2008)
On the static structure factor of capillary waves at large momentum transfers M. Paulus, C. Gutt, M. Tolan Phys. Rev. B 78, 235419 (2008)
Two-Dimensional Dynamics of Metal Nanoparticles on the Surface of Thin Polymer Films Studied Coherent X-Rays S. Streit, C. Gutt, V. Chamard, A. Robert, M. Sprung, H. Sternemann, M. Tolan Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 47801 (2007) Surface XPCS on nanometer length scales – What can we expect from an X-ray free electron laser?
C. Gutt, O. Leupold, G. Grübel Thin Solid Films 515, 5532 (2007)
X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) Facility G. Grübel, G.B. Stephenson, C. Gutt, H. Sinn, T. Tschentscher Nucl. Instr. Methods. B 262, 357 (2007)
Partially Wetting Thin Liquid Films: Structure and Dynamics Studied with Coherent X-rays C. Gutt, M. Sprung, R. Fendt, A. Madsen, S.K. Sinha, and M. Tolan Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 096104 (2007)
2006 and before
Electronic structure of methane hydrate studied by Compton scattering C. Sternemann, S. Huotari, M. Hakala, M. Paulus, M. Volmer, C. Gutt, T. Buslaps, N. Hiraoka, D.D. Klug, M. Tolan, and J.S. Tse Phys. Rev. B 73, 195104 (2006) The surface structure of water-glycerol mixtures investigated by x-ray reflectivity experiments S. Streit, M. Sprung, C. Gutt, M. Tolan Physica B 357, 110 (2005) An internet-based synchrotron experiment for students - measuring the x-ray magnetic dichroism in PtFe M. Paulus, R. Fendt, C. Sternemann, C. Gutt, H. Hövel, M. Volmer, M. Tolan and K. Wille J. Synchrotron Rad. 12, 246 (2005) Elastic properties of methane hydrate at high pressure J. Baumert, C. Gutt, J.S. Tse, M. Krisch, H. Requardt, M. Müller, W. Press Phys. Rev. B. 72, 054302 (2005)
Surface roughness and adsorption isotherms of molecularly thin liquid films: an x-ray reflectivity study M. Paulus, C. Gutt, M. Tolan Phys. Rev. E. 72, 061601 (2005)
Anharmonic motions of Kr in the clathrate hydrate J. S. Tse, D. D. Klug, J. Y. Zhao, W. Stuhrhahn, E. E. Alp, J. Baumert, C. Gutt, M. R. Johnson, and W. Press Nature Materials 4, 917 (2005) XPCS study of Capillary Waves at the Transition from Propagating to Overdamped Behavior A. Madsen, T. Seydel, M. Sprung, C. Gutt, M. Tolan and G. Grübel Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 096104 (2004)
X-ray reflectivity study of the influence of temperature fluctuations on the density profiles of thin liquid films R. Fendt, M. Sprung, C. Gutt, O.H. Seeck, M. Tolan Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 219, 205 (2004)
Neutron diffraction of methane hydrate under geological conditions - a combined Rietveld and Maximum entropy analysis J. Baumert, C. Gutt, M.R. Johnson, J.S. Tse, and W. Press Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 10163 (2004)
Phase behavior of n-hexane/perfluro-n-hexane binary wetting films W. Prange, W. Press, M. Tolan, C. Gutt European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter 15, 13 (2004)
Capillary Waves on Supercooled Polymers M. Sprung, T. Seydel, C. Gutt, E. DiMasi, A. Madsen, M. Tolan Phys. Rev. E. 70, 051809 (2004) Observation of heterodyne mixing in surface XPCS experiments C. Gutt, T. Ghaderi, V. Chamard, A. Madsen, T. Seydel, M. Tolan, M. Sprung, G. Grübel and S.K. Sinha Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 076104 (2003)
Lattice dynamics of methane hydrate: Observation of Symmetry Avoided Crossing by Experiment and Theory J. Baumert, C. Gutt, V.P. Shpakov, J.S. Tse, M. Krisch, H. Requardt, M. Müller, W. Press, S. Janssen Phys. Rev. B. 68, 174301 (2003) The vibrational properties of xenon hydrate: An incoherent inelastic neutron scattering study C. Gutt, J. Baumert, W. Press, S. Janssen, J.S. Tse Journal of Chemical Physics 116, 3795 (2002)
Low frequency dynamics of gas hydrates studied with inelastic neutron scattering
J. Baumert, C. Gutt, W. Press, J.S. Tse and S. Janssen Proceedings of the 4th International Gas Hydrate Conference, Yokohama Japan, 711 (2002)
Rotational dynamics of methane molecules in gas hydrates C. Gutt, W. Press, A. Hüller, J.S. Tse Applied Physics A 75, 1 (2002)
Pore-size dependence of the self-diffusion of hexane in silica gels J. Baumert, B. Asmussen, C. Gutt and R. Kahn Journal of Chemical Physics 116, 10869 (2002)
The isotope effect and orientational potentials in methane hydrate C. Gutt, W. Press, Hüller, J.S. Tse, H. Casalta Journal of Chemical Physics 114, 4160 (2001) The structure of deuterated methane hydrate C. Gutt, W. Press, A. Hüller, J.S. Tse, H. Casalta Journal of Chemical Physics 113, 4713 (2000) Methane molecules in confined geometries B. Asmussen, D. Balszunat, C. Gutt, W. Press, W. Langel, G. Coddens, R. Kahn Journal de Physique IV France 10, 137 (2000) Dynamics of methane molecules in porous TiO2 I.A. Krasnov, B. Asmussen, C. Gutt, W. Press, W. Langel, M. Ferrand Journal of Physics C: Condensed Matter 12, 1613 (2000) Quantum rotations in natural methane-clathrates from the Pacific sea-floor C. Gutt, B. Asmussen, W.Press, C. Merkl, H. Casalta, J. Greinert, G. Bohrmann, J.S. Tse, A. Hüller Europhysics Letters 48, 269 (1999) Dynamics of methane molecules in the mesopores of controlled-pore glass at low temperatures C. Gutt, B. Asmussen, R. Kahn, I. Krasnov, W. Langel, W. Press Phys. Rev. B 59, 8607 (1999)