Spring Workshop on Quantum Thermodynamics
The "Spring Workshop on Quantum Thermodynamics" will take place at the University of Siegen. It will explore recent theoretical advances in the fundamental principles of quantum thermodynamics, aiming especially to understand how these can be put into practice in promising experimental platforms. There has a been a proliferation of theoretical results and techniques in recent years, demonstrating many ways that thermodynamics may behave differently in the quantum regime. At the same time, the possibilities for practical demonstrations are growing with ever-better quantum control of diverse types of systems.
The invited speakers have a wide range of expertise -- theorists working on topics from open system dynamics to resource theories and experimenters using systems from optomechanics to cold atoms. In addition to invited and shorter contributed talks, there will be plenty of time for spontaneous discussions.
If you would like to participate, please e-mail benjamin.yadin@uni-siegen.de. Please also include a proposed title and abstract (and publication link where possible) if you want to be considered for a contributed talk. There will be a prize for the best contributed talk, sponsored by the journal Entropy.
Here you can find the group photo of the participants.
Time & Place
Monday 28th to Thursday 31st March 2022, at the Emmy-Noether-Campus, University of Siegen, Germany
Most participants arrive on Sunday, the talks will be scheduled from Monday morning until Wednesday noon, Thursday is left for discussions, and Friday is departure day.
Invited Speakers
- David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky (Technion, Israel)
- Kilian Singer (Kassel, Germany)
- Gershon Kurizki (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
- Mark Mitchison (Dublin, Ireland)
- Nikolai Kiesel (Vienna, Austria)
- Cyril Elouard (INRIA, France)
- Raam Uzdin (Jerusalem, Israel)
- Camille Lombard Latune (INRIA, France)
- Mario Ciampini (Vienna, Austria)
- Paul Juschitz (Vienna, Austria)
- Bo Deng (Kassel, Germany)
- Moritz Goeb (Kassel, Germany)
- Rafaelle Salvia (Pisa, Italy)
- Ruo Cheng Huang (Singapore)
- Jonas Glatthard (Exeter, UK)
- Fadwa Ben Abdallah (Rabat, Morocco)
- Marcin Plodzień (ICFO, Spain)
- Onur Pusuluk (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Paul Menczel (Riken, Japan)
- Thales Pinto Silva (Parana, Brazil)
- Lorena Ballesteros Ferraz (Namur Belgium)
- Pawel Mazurek (Gdansk, Poland)
- Stefano Cusumano (Gdansk, Poland)
- Isadora Veeren (CBPF Brasil),
- Borhan Ahmadi (Gdansk, Poland)
- Mario Ciampini (Vienna, Austria)
- Paul Juschitz (Vienna, Austria)
- Julia Boeyens (Siegen)
- Mei Yu (Siegen)
- Satoya Imai (Siegen)
- Michael Gaida (Siegen)
- Lina Vandré (Siegen)
- Kiara Hansenne (Siegen)
- Ye-Chao Liu (Siegen)
- Ties Ohst (Siegen)
- Carlos de Gois (Siegen)
- Salwa Shaglel (Siegen)
- Matthias Kleinmann (Siegen)
- Benjamin Yadin
- Stefan Nimmrichter
- Otfried Gühne
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