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Quantum Corona

Quantum Corona participants

Thank you all for joining!

The workshop "Quantum Correlations of Nature" (Quantum Corona), hosted at the University of Siegen, aims to bring together researchers from the field of quantum correlations in a relaxed atmosphere. The main topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to): quantum steering, Bell nonlocality and violations of Bell inequalities, entanglement theory and quantum networks. Our main goal is to encourage personal discussions, which have been difficult in the last years.

The workshop is a part of ongoing collaboration between the groups of Qiongyi He (Beijing, China) and Otfried Gühne (Siegen, Germany) on quantum steering, which receives support from the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion.

If you would like to participate (and potentially contribute with a talk), please send an e-mail to martin.plavala@uni-siegen.de. Please note that the number of additional participants may be limited by the size of the lecture hall and by potential hygienic rules.


Time and place

Monday 26th to Thursday 29th September 2022, at Conference center of the University of Siegen, Obergraben 25, 57072 Siegen.

You can find some helpful information on traveling to Siegen on this webpage.


Most participants arrive on Sunday, the talks will be scheduled from Monday morning until Wednesday noon. Thursday is left for discussions, and Friday is departure day.


The program can be downloaded here.

Invited Speakers

  • Adan Cabello (Sevilla, Spain)
  • Felix Huber (Kraków, Poland)
  • Paweł Horodecki (Gdansk, Poland)
  • Jan-Åke Larsson (Linköping, Sweden)
  • Paolo Perinotti (Pavia, Italy)
  • Alexander Streltsov (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Julio de Vicente (Madrid, Spain)
  • Mirjam Weilenmann (Vienna, Austria)


  • Giacomo Carrara (Düsseldorf)
  • Jebarathinam Chellasamy (Warsaw)
  • Thomas Cope (Hannover)
  • Sophie Egelhaaf (Geneva)
  • Mariami Gachechiladze (Darmstadt)
  • Jiajie Guo (Beijing)
  • Prabhav Jain (Darmstadt)
  • Hermann Kampermann (Düsseldorf)
  • Laurens Ligthart (Cologne)
  • Jonathan Louvet (Liege)
  • Shuheng Liu (Beijing)
  • Tein van der Lugt (Oxford)
  • Owidiusz Makuta (Warsaw)
  • Jan Nöller (Darmstadt)
  • Leonardo Oleynik (Parana)
  • Nikita Poljakov (Barcelona)
  • Marc-Olivier Renou (Barcelona)
  • Nitica Sakharwade (Gdansk)
  • Rene Schwonnek (Hannover)
  • Gautam Sharma (Warsaw)
  • Szilard Szalay (Budapest)
  • Lukas Tendick (Düsseldorf)
  • Julius Zeiss (Cologne)
  • Jan Lennart Bönsel (Siegen)
  • Sophia Denker (Siegen)
  • Michael Gaida (Siegen)
  • Carlos de Gois (Siegen)
  • Kiara Hansenne (Siegen)
  • Satoya Imai (Siegen)
  • Yien Liang (Siegen)
  • Ye-Chao Liu (Siegen)
  • Chau Nguyen (Siegen)
  • Stefan Nimmrichter (Siegen)
  • Ties Ohst (Siegen)
  • Lisa Weinbrenner (Siegen)
  • Zhen-Peng Xu (Siegen)
  • Lina Vandre (Siegen)
  • Isadora Veeren (Siegen)
  • Benjamin Yadin (Siegen)
  • Mei Yu (Siegen)


  • Qiongyi He
  • Otfried Gühne
  • Matthias Kleinmann
  • Martin Plávala


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