Integrated Quantum Information Technology iQIT
iQIT will develop and demonstrate novel routes towards scaling up physical devices for quantum information science (QIS) with particular attention to communication between different parts of a quantum processor by means of a quantum bus. Developing a scalable technology will be pursued by first advancing two successful solid-state and atom-optical devices, namely
- A) arrays of superconducting qubits coupled to microwave resonators - here all-optical quantum computing will be explored for the first time in the microwave regime - and
- B) highly controlled ion trap systems, and then by combining them to yield a scalable basis for universal quantum computation and processing of quantum information.
This new, integrated scheme will be based on the simultaneous exploitation of superconducting qubits for fast and scalable computational tasks and of trapped ions for storage and processing of information with long coherence times. Integration between the solid-state and the atomic devices will be carried out building on extensive knowledge and experience of leading research groups in these two fields using, and on already existing experimental concepts and devices. Furthermore, in the development of the project, experiment and theory will closely collaborate at all stages, and importantly, a close collaboration between hitherto mostly separately developing subfields of quantum information science (solid state and atomic-molecular-optical physics) will be established allowing to combine the tremendous knowledge and expertise in both fields. The long-term vision out of which this project grows is an integrated scalable device for QIS. The breakthroughs envisioned in this project are, 1st the design, realization, and test of an integrated device with superconducting gates and trapped ions register, and, based on the knowledge gained here and pointing further into the future, 2nd the design of a scalable integrated architecture.
Universitet, Prof. Mølmer, Denmark
Comenius University, Prof. Grajcar, Slovakia
Institut für photonische Technologien e.V., Prof. Ilichev,
degli Studi di Salerno, Prof. Illuminati, Italy
University of St
Andrews, Dr. Korolkova, United Kingdom
University of
Sussex, Dr. Hensinger, United Kingdom