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554. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Quantum Contextuality, Non-Locality, and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics


In brief

  • Date: 17th–19th February 2014.
  • Accommodation and venue: »Physikzentrum«, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany.
  • Registration: closed since 29th November, 2013
  • Scale: 13 invited talks, 2 contributed talks, 2 poster sessions. About 75 participants.


  • Antonio Acín (ICFO Barcelona),
  • Howard Barnum (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque),
  • Časlav Brukner (Universität Wien),
  • Nicolas Brunner (University of Geneva),
  • Paul Busch (University of York),
  • Adán Cabello (Universidad de Sevilla),
  • Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano (University of Pavia),
  • Dagomir Kaszlikowski (National University of Singapore),
  • Miguel Navascués (University of Bristol),
  • Renato Renner (ETH Zürich),
  • Terry Rudolph (Imperial College London),
  • Reinhard Werner (Universität Hannover),
  • Marek Żukowski (Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego).


The topics of the seminar are quantum contextuality and non-locality, generalized physical theories, device independent protocols, uncertainty relations, and completeness of quantum mechanics. The conference venue and accommodation is the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef, Germany. Arrival will be on Sunday, 16th February and departure will be on Wednesday, 19th after lunch.


The posters by

  • Pawel Blasiak (Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków),
  • Rafael Chaves (Universität Freiburg), and
  • Davide Marangon (University of Padova),
were chosen for the best posters awards and the contributions by
  • Mark Howard (University of Waterloo) and
  • Thomas Kauten (Universität Innsbruck)
have been selected for a short talk.

We are grateful to announce that participation, board and lodging at the Physikzentrum are covered by the WE-Heraeus-Foundation.


Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
09:00 Opening 09:00 Kaszlikowski 09:00 Brukner
09:30 Acín 10:00 Howard 10:00 Kauten
10:30 Break 10:30 Break 10:30 Break
11:00 Werner 11:00 Rudolph 11:00 Renner
12:00 Photo & Lunch 12:00 Lunch 12:00 Lunch
14:00 Cabello 14:00 Navascués  
15:00 Żukowski 15:00 D'Ariano
16:00 Break 16:00 Break
16:30 Barnum 16:30 Busch
17:30 Brunner 17:30 Poster Session M–Z
18:00 Dinner 18:30 Dinner
19:30 Poster Session A–L 19:00 Dinner


Matthias Kleinmann,
Otfried Gühne

Universität Siegen
57068 Siegen, Germany
Wilhelm und Else Heraeus‑Stiftung
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